When you are enjoying something you don't want it to end, isn't it? I was prolonging the end of the book, reading it for the past 4 months and sad that it's done. Engrossed over the end, mindlessly locked the house took my mobile and went for my evening walk. I realized I had left my water bottle on the kitchen counter so came up, took it and in the lift a lady was giving me funny looks. I realized that I was wearing my socks and slippers instead of shoes. Went up again put on the shoes and got on to the task. The sun had set and it was getting dark. The street lights weren't on yet and it was eerie walking in a deserted patch with no lights. I gingerly made my way through the narrow path shrouded by very tall grass, even in daylight this place gives me the creeps. There was a movement in the blades of grass, out flew a black bird. Then suddenly something leapt on to the track, my heart skipped a beat ,a dog with a spectral menacing face and perky ears stared a...