It was my youngest maternal uncle who introduced me to the world of spirits -The ones that gave you a high and not the ones that gave sleepless nights. Since I tasted my first beer, I have traveled a long way indeed(wink). I arouse my mom's wrath every time I drink (sigh) and can hear her admonishment, rolling her eyes "Why can't you be a good girl, this happens only in your dad's side, girls drinking." The statement made by any woman who opinions that her relatives were all saints and the husband's side all sinners. (But it's a fact that my mom loves her in-laws and is loved and respected by all of dad's relatives.) I get away with a quick reply that her brother was the culprit and yes, my dad's side cousins and I enjoy our drinks, and we have no qualms about it. After all, I drink with my husband nowadays so let's leave it at that. (My mom sulks for a while and comes around soon enough). It has been an irreconcilable issue between us. ...