Yet again time to pack the bags and move into a new home, a new country. It's been like this for the last ten years. Just when I start feeling totally at home and complacent, the husband decides to uproot the family to a new place. Not that I am complaining, in fact I welcome the adventure and break in monotony. (He can read my mind ahha). Love the prospect of searching for a new house (with an awesome view), getting the right locality, setting up the home, finding new friends and exploring the city. The only hassle, packing the necessary items and coming to a decision to chuck away things.. to let go - for the need of decluttering! Yes I have been introduced to Marie Kondo and her work by a dear friend. So this urge to declutter is rampant in me. Days have passed and I haven't had time to get back to this write up ..I am reeling under the feeling of euphoria, tiredness and confusion. I am surrounded by lots and lots of my stuff, my otherwise clinical house looking l...