I love trains ...tracks ...train journeys ..and the stations..Its in my DNA to love trains I think. My grandfather and my uncle were in Railways, the former a station master and the latter an engine driver. And of course I worked in Railways for 14 years before I decided to take early retirement & pursue other things (staying at home reading, watching TV!) I hardly remember having any conversation with my grandfather who had a gruff demeanor and never entertained any conversation with his grandchildren. We were all happy to let him be and always would surround our beautiful pleasant grandmother, a happy soul filled with love especially towards us grandchildren. She would tell our mothers to let us all gorge on fruits, tasty juicy mangoes and jackfruits from our own garden and homemade sweets, rather than the rice and dhal which we eat in cities. She knew what each of us liked, the rava ladoos, jelabis, diamond cuts, mixture and other kerala delicacies and kept it read...