I have avoided getting emotionally attached to kids per se. I keep them at a distance and get annoyed if they behave ....well, as kids normally do. I expect them to be this disciplined,well behaved, polite sweethearts rather than the unruly tantrum throwing running about breaking things kind. My "best half" is more considerate than I. Blessed with a lot of good friends who are like family, I find myself spending time with their kids. A sweet gesture by a good friend moved me emotionally, once I had casually told my friend, wish I had someone to call me mummy and he remembered and made sure that his daughter addressed us as Sangu mummy and Suju papa, Sweet Sia is indeed a daughter to us. I proudly have her love note stuck on my refrigerator. Another friend's daughter Meghana drew her family picture, a stick figure drawing and added us to her family as well. Me with my hair sprung in all directions just like how I sported my hair then, after a haircut debacle. I was ov...