It's election time in India and it so happened that I was in Chennai. If I was elsewhere I doubt if I would have taken pains to come to Chennai to cast my vote. With election fever gripping the country and media spewing an over enthusiastic dosage of whitewashing and dirt throwing and propagation of false fake news, it was very difficult to judge and decide on the right person and party to handover the nation to, for the next tenure. I was getting clouded by mom's political leanings. Where ever people meet, political discussions and arguments only were heard. People trying to force their views on each other. They succeeded in discombobulating me. My brain was more addled! Anyways the election day dawned in Chennai, a humid sultry one. My mom was surprised to see me awake and ready before 7 am. I spent some time talking to the Gods in the puja... sincerely asked God to help us elect a good leader to lead our country. Hadn't received a slip informing our vo...