We bid farewell to Siena Springs camp and were on our way to Lake Elementaita. For most of the travel, I was on the front seat clicking random pictures and asking many many questions to Moses who enthusiastically answered them. The scenery was different. The flat topped Acacia and the Mara trees were lesser in number and there were more of the yellow barked Acacia or the fever Acacia or the Naivasha thorns as it's otherwise called. These trees use barks for photosynthesis and also aid in maintaining the water table. The roots are brewed and given to women after childbirth to regain strength. There were the whistling thorn acacia too which are myrmecophyte that live in a symbiotic relationship with ants. Lake Naivasha is a freshwater lake, highest elevation point of the Kenyan Rift Valley, in Maasai language Nai posha means rough water. The underground water feeds the Olkaria thermal power station, which is situated in the Hells Gate National park. The lake albeit it...